Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Protein Supplement Recommendations

One of the biggest obstacles I run into with clients is getting their protein levels up. Protein is an extremely important nutrient whether your goal is to lose fat, gain muscle or just tone yourself up. It is the main structural nutrient in your body, making up the bulk of your muscles and organs. Protein is essential for proper hormone function and immune system health. Most importantly, for our purposes, protein is used for building and repairing muscle tissue.

Your body views fat stores as more precious than your muscle tissue and will tend to eat up muscle tissue before it goes to fat for energy. This physiological adaptation used to protect our ancestors from famine. It's a natural survival mechanism you were built with.

The problem is muscle tissue is a great calorie-burner. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when you're doing absolutely nothing! Protecting your muscle tissue makes fat loss so much easier, it will amaze you. Not only that, it will help you keep that fat off permanently!

So clients often ask me what protein supplements I recommend. These are just some personal favorites of mine, and that many clients have used to great success. 
MetRx Protein Plus

These are pretty good too. I personally like the chocolate peanut butter flavor. These are around the mid 200's for calories, and still have about 32g of protein in them. These have less sugar and carbs than the BIG 100 bars, so they're not quite as sweet. But they're good nonetheless.

These two protein bars can be found in most grocery stores, I know Target, and even Walgreens carries them. I've even spotted them in 7-11's now. Buy a couple of each, get different flavors, try them out, and if you find one you like that you think you could hang with then I'd buy them in bulk. It's much cheaper.

MetRx RTD51

These are by far and away my personal favorite protein drink. These are like dessert to me. If I could afford to only drink these as my liquid protein source I would. Anything pre-mixed like this is going to cost more than if you buy powders and make your own, but they are definitely going to taste better, and are convenient in that they are canned and ready to go. My personal favorite is the vanilla. 

Isopure Protein Drinks

Isopure tends to make fruitier bottled protein drinks. These again are more pleasant tasting, and have an excellent calorie/protein ratio. If you can afford them they are a good way to go. Those who find most protein drinks too thick, or chalky will enjoy these. They are more like juice than anything making them the most accessible. I've heard you can get cases of them at Costco.

Optimum Nutrition's Platinum Hydrowhey Protein

This is what I use the most consistently. I scoops of this with 8 to 10z of water and you'll get 30g of fast acting protein for 140 calories. 

Nutrition Discounters is the place to get all this stuff. Either that or Costco. Buying it from GNC or from the manufacturer is super expensive. I am always happy to pick these up for my clients myself as well and save them a trip.

Never drink a protein supplement immediately before working out.

Some people do this thinking that it will give them an energy boost or give them a head-start for post-workout recovery. Basically, all it does is sit in their stomach and bloat them up. Valuable blood that should be going to working muscles gets sent to the digestive system to try and digest it. The same warning goes for taking protein during a workout. Don't do it!


  1. What do you think about EAS 100% Whey? Sold at Sam's Club:

  2. It'll work just fine for you. The important thing is finding a protein that is tolerable at least and enjoyable at best.
