Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weight Watchers/Jenny Craig: Consistency Is KEY!

While I handle the diets of the majority of my clients there are a few who are more comfortable with either the Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig programs.

I have my issues with both of these programs as the foods involved do not promote muscle retention, and therefore have very little effect on retraining and boosting your metabolism. Those who are on it consistently will lose weight, but they will become slaves to the program if they want to keep it off.

Even with a regular exercise/workout routine they will not see much change in their shape or definition. They will simply shed muscle along with fat, decreasing their weight and inches yet looking the same… just smaller.

So, it’s always my preference to handle my clients’ diets myself. Plus you save money on the additional payment of these services. I believe it’s better to learn proper nutrition with real foods, and develop the habits necessary to achieve and maintain your goals on your own.

Weight Watchers/Jenny Craig are however more convenient for some, and sometimes are just a good jumpstart into the world of dieting before taking more aggressive action towards re-programming your metabolism.

The problem I run into almost 100% of the time is lack of consistency with the program. Both program’s method of success depends on the individual sticking to the meal plan 100%. This means if you are on Weight Watchers you should only be eating Weight Watchers recommended foods, and nothing else. Too many people eat some of the food they are provided or recommended, and then add in a little this and that of their own. By doing this you are lessening the efficiency/effectiveness of the plan. This goes for any diet really. Just because you go for your weekly consultation, and eat SOME of their food doesn’t mean you will see progress.

You are either on it or you aren’t.

The meal program works effectively only if you stick to it 100%. These programs are effective for overall weight loss as I said, but they are also businesses designed to keep you as a client for as long as possible, thus the necessary consistency for results and maintenance.

So while I’m not wild about these programs, if you are going to be on them, then at the very least do yourself a favor and either do it or don’t. Stick to it 100% or you are wasting your time, and just making them richer the longer you stagnate in their program.

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